Our Attention Spans are Shrinking

Attention Spans are Declining

In the time it takes you to read this post, your mind will have likely wandered to something else. We’ll try to not take it too personally as we have learned the sobering fact that our attention spans are shrinking. A recent study from University of California, Irvine revealed that our attention spans are now only :47-seconds.

Attention Spans are DecliningAttention Spans are Declining

Capture Attention Effectively

Understanding Focused Attention is Critical

However, there is good news. Are you aware of peak engagement times when individuals are the most focused? The research shows this phenomenon, known as 'Focused' attention, typically occurs in late morning and mid to late afternoon, of course there are variations in timing depending on the person, but mainly it coincides with the ebb and flow of our cognitive resources. This crucial learning ca help each of us become more productive in our own work days.

And, as marketers, understanding these patterns is crucial. With this insight in mind, Loop :45 can help to reach your audience at these focused attention moments with succinct :45-second videos.

Understanding Focused Attention is CriticalShort-Form Video Capture Attention
There is Hope

There is Hope

Gloria Mark is the author of the attention span study. She is Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine and received her PhD from Columbia University in psychology and studies the impact of digital media on people’s lives. She presents an optimistic vision of this research.

The goal ... is to reframe the singular goal of maximizing our productivity, to instead achieve a broader goal of how we can live with and use our technologies and maintain a healthy psychological balance. And yes, we’ll be productive along the way. We can learn to adapt to our own rhythms of attention—finding focus, fighting distraction, and ultimately feeling more balanced and less stressed in our daily lives. The ship has sailed: we live in an interconnected world and need to use our devices—but we can also achieve well-being while doing so.

Short-Form Video Capture Attention

With up to :45-second videos, Loop :45 delivers smart and concise content all before someone’s mind wanders.

:45 seconds is short. But it’s long enough to make an impact.

Short-Form Video Capture Attention