Foster Campus Unity

Short-Form Video Connects the Ecosystem

Loop :45 presents a unique opportunity to connect various constituents within the college ecosystem by offering a platform for communication and interaction.


A Community Needs to Know Each Other to Thrive and Evolve. Loop :45 Can Facilitate This.

In the intricate ecosystem of colleges, diverse communities, including alumni, students, faculty, administrative staff, and parents, coexist. Fostering meaningful connections within and between these groups is essential for a thriving collegiate environment. Colleges can leverage short-form video content as a transformative tool to bridge these gaps and cultivate authentic engagement across all stakeholders.

Get to Know Each Other
Get to Know Each Other
Get to Know Each Other

Get to Know Each Other

Imagine meeting and getting to know students, faculty, and staff through a 45-second video. The Loop :45 Profile Video is designed for this purpose. Every community member can create a personal introduction, usable in classrooms, residence halls, student groups, and athletic teams. It’s an ideal way to connect with people in various circles and build meaningful relationships.

Build Community-Wide Engagement

Unite your entire campus ecosystem with community-wide programming. Loop :45 can augment and replace the communications tool that are no longer effective. Daily updates about campus activities can be shared by students and administration to keep everyone informed. Achievements, events, fundraising, and campus news can be shared via :45s with parents and alumni, offering a more authentic and personal touch to the message. This cohesive communication strategy strengthens campus connections, keeps everyone engaged, and unites your community.

Build Community-Wide Engagement
Cast a Narrow Net

Cast a Narrow Net

Every campus is home to a variety of groups—athletic teams, student clubs, residence halls, sororities, fraternities—and numerous academic courses. Short-form video can help bring these communities together. Professors can share class notes, and assignments, coaches can provide game-day updates, and student leaders can share ideas. Loop :45 allows for segmented distribution lists, specific audiences, providing a very focused and narrow-cast approach to communications.

Watch Colleges Examples

View :45s from current Loop :45 Members

View :45s from current Loop :45 Members

Loop :45 Features to Elevate College Communications

Teleprompter / Text


Maintain a polished and confident delivery

Overlays / Video Editors

In-Video Overlays

Enhance video messaging with dynamic images and text overlays

Edit Clips / Edit Video

Edit Clips

Seamlessly stitch together clips or refine individual takes

Attachments / Paperclip


Accompany :45s with documents and links for context



Communicate ideas and maintain ongoing discussions through in-app messaging

Nikki DeMello

Nikki DeMello

Director of Communications, Loop :45

"I created a single :45 to share details about the job opportunity and our company culture. And then requested candidates submit a :45 to apply. Even I was blown away by the results."

Watch video testimonial
Katie Randlett

Katie Randlett

Digital Marketing Intern

"Watching a Loop :45 job promotion video gave me deep insights into the internship, the team, and the company culture—far beyond any standard job description."

Watch video testimonial
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