
Onboard Your Team (Toolkit)

Onboard Your Team (Toolkit)

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Onboarding your team to Loop :45 involves a few key steps to ensure a smooth transition and effective use of the platform. We’re excited to have you leading the way in building a vibrant community on our platform. As an Organizational Owner, Admin, or Group Director, your role is essential in bringing new Members onboard and helping them get comfortable with using Loop :45 to share their voices.

Here’s a guide on how to onboard your team:

Onboard your team on Loop :45 App and Dashboard

Introduce the Platform

  • Schedule a meeting or webinar to introduce Loop :45 to your team. Provide an overview of its features and benefits, emphasizing how it can streamline content creation and distribution.
  • Share why you think it will be an effective communications tool for the team.
The Loop :45 Playbook - App and Dashboard

Provide Resources

  • The Loop :45 Playbook is a a go-to guide with step-by-step instructions and how to’s for the Loop :45 App and Dashboard experience. 
  • The Loop :45 Spotlight is the place to find the ways to make the most of content creation and sharing using Loop :45.
The Loop :45 Spotlight

Loop :45 Dashboard - Set up Groups

Set Up Groups

  • Create relevant groups within Loop :45 to organize your team. This can include groups for different departments, projects, or content types. Invite team members to their respective groups. Review our Playbook Guide for a step-by-step in creating Groups.

Loop :45 Dashboard - Group and Create Accounts

Create Accounts

  • Send out invitations to team members and invite them with the proper permissions to the Groups. Review our Playbook Guide for Inviting Members.
  • Guide them through the account creation process.
  • Ensure that each team member has a Loop :45 account and the Loop :45 app is downloaded on their phones.
Loop :45 Training on App and Dashboard

Provide Training

Loop :45 Dashboard Roles and Permissions

Assign Roles and Responsibilities

  • Define and assign roles within the platform. Ensure everyone knows their responsibilities, such as content creation, editing, review, and distribution.

Loop :45 Dashboard - Create Program

Start with a Pilot Project

  • Launch a pilot project to give your team hands-on experience. Choose a simple project to start with, allowing everyone to get comfortable with the platform’s functionality.
  • Encourage Collaboration: Use the group features to facilitate collaboration. Encourage team members to share feedback, ideas, and support each other in using Loop :45 effectively.

Monitor Progress and Provide Support

  • Keep track of your team’s progress and address any issues or questions that arise. Provide additional training or resources as needed. Review our Playbook Guide to learn about viewing Data Analytics on Loop :45.
  • Collect Feedback: Gather feedback from your team about their experience with Loop :45. Use this feedback to make improvements and address any concerns.

Loop :45 Dashboard - Invite Members

Scale Up

  • Once your team is comfortable with the platform, start scaling up your projects and fully integrating Loop :45 into your workflow.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth onboarding process and help your team take full advantage of Loop :45’s features for content creation and distribution.