
Get Acquainted with the Loop :45 App

Get Acquainted with the Loop :45 App

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The Loop :45 App has five main pages, which can be found using the menu at the bottom of the screen. Below is an overview of each screen.

Loop :45 Video App Home and Profile with Activity and Library

Home screen

Members lands here upon opening the App.

Here, Members find their bespoke Home page which is comprised of all their Assignments, which is all the Videos they have been asked to create.

Also on the Home page are a list of all the Groups to which they belong. Members can pin their Favorite Groups at the top so that they easily find them.

Members can also start the video creation process from this Home Page by clicking on the "Create" icon in the Group card.  

Loop :45 Video App Home with Assignments, Groups and Create Video for a Group


The Activity page is an aggregation, across all the Members’ Groups, of recent content.

This content could include Video Posts, Playlists, or notifications of new Members joining their Groups.

Loop :45 Activity features videos, posts, playlist, members who join  groups


Studio is the place to easily create a video by clicking on the Create Video button in the top right of the screen.

If a Member has created a Profile video, it appears at the top of the screen.

And all that member's videos, regardless of Group, are stored in the Studio–both published and drafts.

Loop :45 Studio shows live, draft and scheduled videos, video stats and analytics and profile video


Members can save Videos, Playlists, and Member Profiles. That save content is stores in the Library for easy access.

Loop :45 Video App Library shows any saved content like videos, playlists, member profiles and groups


Members can create a Profile Video, add a Profile picture, and fill in Profile details from this screen.

Additional account settings can be found in the menu in the top right corner.

Loop :45 Video App Profile features Profile video, Profile info and affinities

In addition to these five main pages in the App, there are also pages specific to each Group. Those main Group pages are:


This is the Group landing page and shows all the Posts for this specific group.

At the top of the Page, members can select "Post to Group" to start the Video creation process and be able to Post directly to the Group.

Loop :45 Video App Group Profile features recent posts, videos or playlists


The “Videos” tab shows Videos created by Members in the Group.

At the top of the Page, Members can select "Create Video" to start the Video creation process.

Loop :45 Video App Group Videos show all videos that were created by members of that group


The “Playlists” tab shows Playlists created by Members in the Group.

At the top of the Page, Members can select "Create Playlist" to create a new Playlist.

Loop :45 Video App Group Playlists show all playlists and videos that were created by members of that group


The “Members” tab shows all the Members in the Group.

Members can click on other Members to view their Profile and learn more about each other.

If there is a red circle and play button around the Member's Profile Image, it means that Member has created a Profile Video.

Loop :45 Video App Group Members lists all Members in that Group and Profile Videos

Open the Loop :45 app to Create and Share Videos

Scan the QR code to get started:

Get the Loop :45 App to Create Videos and Content